#mia.league @ irc.quakenet.org
Idling in our channel
IS A REQUIREMENT before you participate in any matches, that way you can view information as it gets posted and know who you're playing.
-Download mIRC from google
-Install and run it
-In the window, go to File -> Select Server -> Quakenet -> Select
-Then again go to File -> Connect (only if it didn't automatically connect)
-Type /msg Q HELLO (your email) (your email again)
-Go to your email and get your password
-Type /msg
Q@CServe.quakenet.org AUTH (desired nickname) (password)
Then just type /join #mia.league and you're all set for the tourney!
If you want to connect to IRC without having to put your password in every time, follow these instructions:
-Go to File -> Select Server
-Under the Connect tab on the left, go to Options
-Click "Perform"
-Put this command in: /msg
Q@CServe.quakenet.org AUTH (username) (password)
-Hit "OK"